Simplify Test Program Conversion, Development & Validation

What Is AutoMigreX

AutoMigreX is a cutting-edge tool designed to simplify the process of test program development, conversion, and validation across different platforms. With its advanced capabilities, AutoMigreX streamlines the entire workflow,  simplifying the often-complex task of building robust test programs, saving you significant time, effort, and cost. 

AutoMigreX Empowers you to:

  •  Generate test programs from scratch using user-friendly input files, similar to the target platform. 

This minimizes the complexity and time required for program creation.

  •  Migrate existing test programs between platforms (e.g., Flex to 93K or vice versa) with ease.

 AutoMigreX analyzes the input files and handles the conversion process efficiently.

  • Reduce your workload by at least 50%!

Achieve faster program generation & eliminate manual tasks like attaching supporting files

  •  Experience a 50% cost reduction through faster development, streamlined migration, and efficient resource utilization. 

  • Validate your generated test programs both offline and on simulators. 

How Does AutoMigreX Work?

1. Migration:

  • Gather input files (netlist, levels, etc.) from different teams or existing programs.

  • Feed the data into AutoMigreX.

AutoMigrex :

  • Combines the inputs and generates a basic test program for the target platform.
  • Analyzes the conversion program to ensure a smooth and accurate process.

2. TP Development: 


  • Utilize input files to construct the foundation of your test program.
  • leverages its built-in templates for the chosen platform to create the program structure.
  • Attaches all necessary supporting files to complete the entire test program.

3. Offline Validation:

  • Transfer the generated test program to AutoMigreX.



  • performs an automated one-to-one check against a predefined template program, verifying format accuracy.
  • Validates the final program both offline and on a simulator for comprehensive testing.

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